Unlocking Workplace Well-Being
Do you want to future-proof your organization? Invest in well-being!
Research from Gallup shows supportive managers as the most important predictor of well-being in employees, which leads directly to increased employee engagement, retention, and productivity.
Join Heart to Heart Leadership in partnership with the Greater Akron Chamber, for a full-day (9:00 am – 3:00 pm) program aimed at providing managers the tools and resources to promote workplace well-being and enhance the productivity and culture of your workplace.
Program Details
The Manager Connection to Workplace Well-Being—What’s the Impact?
Organizational support is essential to employee well-being. And, research shows supportive managers as the most important predictor of well-being in employees, which leads directly to increased employee engagement, retention, and productivity.
Consider the following:
- When employees feel their employer cares about their well-being, they’re 38% more likely to be engaged.
- A staggering 70% of an employee’s motivation is influenced by their manager.
- A strong manager relationship leads to more productive, efficient, and loyal employees who create less conflict
(Sources: Gallup and University of California Davis Human Resources)
Key Content
- The why behind workplace well-being—latest research, trends, and managerial influence.
- Workplace well-being—creating a culture of shared responsibility and accountability.
- The manager roles of creator, challenger, & coach—an inside-out approach to enhance personal and team well-being.
- Mindful tools that support healthy communication, resiliency and well-being, and energy management.
- Specific strategies that support workplace well-being that are within the scope of managerial influence.
- An action plan and resources for moving forward.
Program Objectives
A workshop of personal insights and practical approaches that you can take to support well-being in the workplace. During our time together in this interactive program, we will explore:
- What well-being means and why it matters in the workplace.
- The roles and responsibilities of a manager to foster a sense of well-being.
- How managers can translate information about workplace well-being and apply practical day-to-day strategies for their employees as well as for themselves.
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Help us in our mission to develop inclusive leaders in our community.